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Preparing Teachers to Work With English Learners: A Multimodal Vocabulary Mini-Lesson Project
In K–12 classrooms, multimodal teaching, such as using visuals and technology, has been commonly embedded at different levels with different student groups. However, it has not been well discussed in English as a second language teacher training. -
Training and development seem to be the two most intertwined terms in the field of teacher education.
Planning an SEL-Focused School Reopening
As many schools begin to reopen under (somewhat) normal circumstances, educators are asking a lot of tough questions. -
This article explores the nature of reflective practice in a professional development process based on lesson study.
This article defines why we specifically use the term “professional development” rather than “training” for this blog.
9 Ways New ELT Teachers Can Succeed
Much like language production itself, teaching is a complex cognitive process that requires mastery of both practice and theory. -
In the higher ed community, we understand the importance of showing each student that we value and accept them.
In this article, the authors argue that instructional strategies traditionally used with ELs in the content areas need to be rethought in light of contemporary theoretical perspectives.
In recent years, there have been many calls to transform approaches to schooling in pluralistic societies that have treated the languages, cultures, and ways of being of people of colour as deficiencies that have to be overcome to succeed both in and out of school.
When was the last time you took a really careful look at your résumé or CV?
Writing-Related PD Through MOOCs
This article discusses one form of online professional development: MOOCs. -
Virtual Exchanges in Language Teacher Education: Facilitating Reflection on Teaching Practice Thr...
Language teachers must be equipped with technological skills to respond to the needs of 21st-century classrooms. -
After more than a year of COVID restrictions and hybrid learning, summer school is top of mind for school leaders around the country.
Content learning is no longer about memorizing discrete facts and following cookbook procedures.
In this article, Claire White, social media manager at Wiley Education Services, offers tips on boosting your school’s recruiting and engagement efforts through Twitter’s core and emerging features.
This study employed a mixed-methods approach to examine peer review through the eyes of writing instructors and first-year college students, including native and nonnative speakers of English.
Having to speak without preparation can be stressful, even in your first language. Some students freeze; others dive in and start speaking without a plan and end up rambling.
In our book, Teacher Leadership for School-Wide English Learning, we present the critical role that nonevaluative peer observation plays in English as a second language (ESL) teacher leadership.
In this article, David Migliorese, Vice President of Academic Services at Wiley Education Services, discusses ways schools can use different learning methods to support students and faculty.
English language teachers must learn the vocation’s discourse before they can “shake” the metaphorical tree.